Invited Talks
Invited Seminar and Colloquium Presentations
Vaccine Production centre-Kerala - Conference with Experts on June 24, 2021 at 10.00 am
​ Dr. V. Stalin Raj. Doordarshan National live phone-in programme Samoohyapatam “Viruses, Virus discovery, Vaccine, and Emerging Coronaviruses” on 09.11.2020 Monday from 2 pm to 2.50 pm.
Meeting of Virology Experts with Chief Minister - Government of Kerala , 17th March 2020 at 11.00 am in Chief Minister’s Conference Hall, Secretariat, Thiruvananthapuram.
V. Stalin Raj. Vigyan Prasar, National Institute of Science Communication, an autonomous organization under the Department of Science and Technology. Coronaviruses Knowns and Unknowns OnlineLect/2020 Dated : 02.07.2020.
V. Stalin Raj. Department of Biotechnology Bharathiar University Re accredited at the ‘A’ grade level by NAAC Ranked 13th among the Indian Universities by MHRD-NIRF Coimbatore-46, Tamil Nadu, India. DST-PURSE sponsored webinar on Frontiers in Biotechnology- FBT 2020. Title: Emergence of Novel Coronaviruses and their Biology and Therapeutic Options Date: 05.11.2020
V. Stalin Raj. Doordarshan National live phone-in programme Samoohyapatam “Viruses, Virus discovery, Vaccine, and Emerging Coronaviruses” on 09.11.2020 Monday from 2 pm to 2.50 pm.
V. Stalin Raj. Kerala Agricultural University- Department of Plant Biotechnology College of Agriculture, - webinar on Advanced Techniques in Biotechnology “Development of Vaccine for Coronaviruses” 15/10/2020
V. Stalin Raj. Nanotechnology for Coronavirus” in the Refresher course on Nanoscience and Nanobiotechnology, University of Madras, October 12/10/ 2020 through online mode.
V. Stalin Raj. “Nanotechnology for Coronaviruses: Therapeutics and Vaccines” Workshop on Biomedical Nanotechnology, Nanoscience Centre, University of madras 06/09/2020
V. Stalin Raj. International Webinar BIOGEN-2020, Departments of Biosciences (Biochemisty, Biotechnology and Microbiology), Sree Sankara College, Kalady are jointly organizing an International webinar on “Surviving the pandemic: A disease tolerance perspective” to be scheduled from 3rd week of September 2020. "Discovery and Functional Characterization of Novel Coronaviruses" 22/09/2020
V. Stalin Raj. Emergence of Novel Coronaviruses: From discovery to Intervention Online International e-Conference on “COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Ongoing Approaches for Better Health”, held on 29th & 30th June, 2020.
V. Stalin Raj. Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine 2020: Discovery of Hepatitis C virus Nobel Price Talk series, Proteus and Biology Club team,IISER TVM, 20/10/2020
V. Stalin Raj. “COVID-19 Pandemic: Strategies for prevention and control of the disease” ‘Webinar Series on Genomics of COVID -19 - hurdles in developing Vaccines and Drugs: Inter University Centre for Genomics and Gene Technology (IU-CGGT) Department of Biotechnology, University of Kerala. 23.06.2020
V. Stalin Raj. COVID19: Lessons learned from SARS and MERS outbreak” webinar series on "Emerging and Re-emerging Viruses" The Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) 11/05/2020.
V. Stalin Raj. “COVID-19 Pandemic: Strategies for prevention and control of the disease” ‘Webinar Series on Genomics of COVID -19 - hurdles in developing Vaccines and Drugs: Inter University Centre for Genomics and Gene Technology (IU-CGGT) Department of Biotechnology, University of Kerala. 23.06.2020
V. Stalin Raj. Half day symposium IISER TVM, The discovery and characterization of emerging and re-emerging viral pathogens, 15/02/2020.
V. Stalin Raj. Novel Coronavirus: Lessons learned from SARS and MERS coronavirus outbreaks School of Physics, Madurai Kamaraj University, 25.02.2020.
V. Stalin Raj. The Discovery and characterization of Coronaviruses: Department of Biotechnology, Madurai Kamaraj University, 25.02.2020.
V. Stalin Raj. The discovery and characterization of emerging and re-emerging viral pathogens, Aravind Medical Research Foundation, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India. AMRF, Madurai, 30/11/2017.
V. Stalin Raj. Bharat Biotech, Hyderabad “Pathogen Discovery and characterization”, 22/12/2017
V. Stalin Raj. National Conference on Recent Advances in Virology and Bacteriology “MERS Coronavirus: From discovery to intervention” at CUSAT, Cochin, Kerala on 25th and 26th October, 2018.
V. Stalin Raj. Indo-UK conference on 'Emerging and Re-emerging infectious diseases' on 25-26 February, 2019.
V. Stalin Raj. 6th molecular virology meeting, IIT Kharagpur, Kolkata on 2 March 2019.
V. Stalin Raj. Keystone Symposia on Framing the Response to Emerging Virus Infections “Chimeric camel-human heavy chain antibodies protect mice from MERS-CoV infection”, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, October 14—18, 2018
V. Stalin Raj. Discovery and characterization of Emerging Viral Pathogens from humans and Animals, Inter University Centre for Genomics and Gene Technology, One Day National Seminar on 'Epidemiology of Viral Diseases’ 18.12. 2019.
Identification of MERS-CoV neutralizing nanobodies by direct cloning from a bone marrow cDNA library, XII Nidovirus meeting June 1-9, 2017 Kensas city, USA.
Novel viruses: Discovery to Intervention” February 2-3, 2017, Replication, virus-host interactions, and protection in coronavirus, The National Centre for Biotechnology, Madrid, Spain.
Modified vaccinia virus based vaccine protection against MERS-CoV infection in dromedary camels. 6th European Congress of Virology, October 19-22, 2016, Hamburg, Germany.
A poxvirus-based vaccine reduces virus excretion after MERS coronavirus infection in dromedary camels. 17th International Congress on Infectious Diseases. March 2-5, 2016, Hyderabad, India.
Production of antibodies against MERS-CoV’’ September 28, 2015, Hannover, Germany.
Characterization of DPP4 as the Functional Receptor for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus. Pathogenesis of Respiratory Viruses January 19–24, 2014, Keystone Resort, Keystone, Colorado, USA.
Identification and characterization of MERS CoV in dromedary camels. XIIIth International Nidovirus Symposium, salamanga, Spain. 1st June to 6th June 2014.
Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Is A Functional Receptor For The Emerging Human Coronavirus-Emc. 17th Molecular Medicine Day 2013, Engels, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Deep sequencing analysis of liver and plasma HCV quasi species of treatment naïve patients. 7th International Workshop on Hepatitis C - Resistance & New Compounds: , 28-29 June 2012, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Production of Recombinant koi herpesvirus (KHV) mutants and its applications. Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM), Lyon, France. 2nd June 2010.
Removal of epidermal mucus enhances Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 entry through the skin of Cyprinus carpio. BELGIAN SOCIETY FOR MICROBIOLOGY. December 11th, 2009, Brussels, Belgium.
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research Project FIS 2002-075, “Application of PCR for Improved Shrimp Health Management in the Asian Region”. Management Co-ordination Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand 2006.
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research Project FIS 2002-075, “Application of PCR for Improved Shrimp Health Management in the Asian Region”. Management Co-ordination Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand 2005.
Need of novel diagnostics in the health management of Macrobrachium rosenbergii, with special reference to an emerging epizootic in India, the white muscle syndrome (WMS). International Symposium on Freshwater Prawns, College of Fisheries, Agricultural University, Cochin, India.
Trainings and Workshops -
17th International BioInformatics Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology University of Belgrade, Faculty of Medicine. 27 - 31 August 2012, Belgrade, Serbia.
Human Gnome analysis workshop Erasmus MC
Fish Immunology workshop, Cell Biology and Immunology, Wageningen University, The Netherlands. April 2010.
Biosafety Level 3 (BSL3) laboratory Training-CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL), Geelong – This is a high security bio-containment laboratory. Work at AAHL is focused on exotic infectious diseases of animals and pathogens of high risk. A high degree of professionalism and responsibility is expected in order to work in the bio-secure area. Activities over this period centered on real-time PCR screening of virus samples and DNA genotyping. August 2006 to October 2006.
Planning, co-ordination and Senior Demonstrator, 2nd International PCR Workshop on “Application of PCR for Improved Shrimp Health Management in the Asian Region” Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture (ICAR), India October 2006.
Senior Demonstrator, International PCR Training Workshop on “Application of PCR for Improved Shrimp Health Management in the Asian Region” Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture (ICAR), India October 2005.
Basic Techniques in Modern Biology. Department of Biotechnology, Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Madurai Kamaraj University, January 2000.
Plant Tissue Culture. Centre for Biodiversity and Biotechnology, St Xavier’s College, Palayamcottai, India, June 1999.
Recent Trends in Microbiology. VHNSN College, Virudhunagar, 1997.